Wednesday, October 28, 2015

You might never guess
who will be there when it counts
that's life's big surprise

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Should I reveal that these are about a stomach virus?

Oinking and screeching
you knock me down to my knees
beast from my belly

You curse me as worse
than I ever feared I was
but you'll run your course

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Under Haiku

Sometimes I stay home
weighted down under my fears
finding sad comfort

Under the weather;
laying in his his bed, coughing,
not yet over it

Under the surface
there lives a still and thin voice
calling out the truth

Seldom spoken word
of act quite misunderstood
Kindness is lonely

Sharpness and softness
one rests under the surface
the other on top

They'd put him under
and I prayed right beside him,
called him Superman

A lifetime ago
sadness was under her skin
till it took over

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lech Lechah, G-d said
The command: Go to your self
That is so like G-d

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Haiku of Silence

Not making a sound
still and thin and loud and clear:
ear piercing silence

Silence is a fence
a fence that precedes wisdom
wisdom is presence

Silence is painful
when you wish your words were heard
sometimes that's better

Silence can hurt less
than having your words unheard
and yet that's the best

Poetry is speech
spoken in a deep silence
heard in a rare way

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

There's a warmth and light
inside of me from before
from before this life

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

When I feel pressured
I walk to the other side
step outside the stress

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Diet Coke and cake
is nothing to make fun of
Better than real Coke


A trajectory
passing from start to finish
over a lifetime

Mind Over Matter
Robert Klein's song and album
plays with me through life

Nothing is over
Even after it's over
Nothing is over

I get over you
over and over again
I'm not over you

I'm not over you
and we barely even met
It's not you or me

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Storm 855

Violent strong winds,
disturbing thunder and rain:
tumultuous storm

Friday, October 2, 2015

Between 852-854

Into and across
our separation, something
connects between us

I stand in between
two poles labeled hide and seek
I stand in between

It's what's in between
the pauses and the spaces
It's what's in between

Thursday, October 1, 2015