Thursday, February 20, 2020

Happiness is hushed,
it sounds like even keeled breaths,
which is what it is.

Yes, I napped at work
So am I dysfunctional
Or sick and tired.

I’m ten hours in
To a day of work and guilt
And deep exhaustion

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Even extroverts
get lonely in their own way
midmost in a crowd

(see f'bk for options)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

up to 1476 i think

Sick with high fever
My thinking has been altered
and intensified

Maybe we all want
to speak a holy language
but can't find the words

The emperor’s clothes
are of great concern to me
- wish I could see them.

Dad once said to me
Life is more that just good quotes
I cherish those words

Sunday, February 9, 2020

When is the day when
I will act more bravely
and be less afraid?