Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I can see right through
your lack of transparency.
It's ironic. No?

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Paying lip service
to davening properly
is so sadly done.
I tend to count words,
to keep track and to measure,
to value what's brief.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Sunday, January 6, 2019

There's that word again,
"connected," mid paragraph,
standing all alone.


It is hard to own
my responsibilities
because they loom large

To some, this writing
is either great or nothing-
to me it just is

Always brush your teeth
before any kind of sleep,
a dentist told me

It's a big planet
but I have seen its center
in Jerusalem

We singles should meet
and make lists of married friends
Who need our prayers

Inside what's hidden
there is even more hidden
and there- G-d is there

Maybe The Temple
is not a house for G-d, but
for us- our one home

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Every new second
Each breath and step of living:
Here's looking forward.

Not letting people
who get to me get to me
is a source of pride.

I remember you
not remembering your past.
Are you still the same?

Sometimes people shine
brighter from beyond this world,
out of their own way.

If you really don't
play games, isn't it enough
to just not play them?

The fact on the ground
is that I am here on Earth
for another day

What's with Master Class?
How did they get these big names
to join the racket?

Some people are sure
"what they are looking for" - till
something else finds them.

And what? What is yours?
Your story that no-one sees.
What is your secret?

Today's feeling slow,
and I feel unproductive,
except in my head.

Facebook is a womb
in a crazy kind of way
where we want to stay

Most people live life
as separate episodes.
Mine's a long movie.