Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Actions speak loudly
I believe too much in words
Words alone are weak

Pushing doesn't work

at least not in the long term
Yet you can't just sleep

Putting out fires

can create fires inside
when done all day long

My issues exist

yet they need not torture me,
my breath lets them know

They exist and yet

I can let the noises go
lower the volume

It is what it is

like so many chilled sayings
is not without truth


can bring out beautiful things
when you say things right

Is only sleep sleep?

I want to replicate sleep.
Does hypnosis count?

Oh to get gotten

like in those Ben Lee lyrics,
I've got songs that give

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Flannery was square
so uncool that she was cool
seeing what we won't

Appelfed just wants
to find his way back to home;
that's where I connect


Circle me with light
that spreads about to others
Enlightening G-d

Amidst the rushing
sometimes I stop and just breathe
taking time to live

A friend of mine thinks
that I was once a yogi
in a former life

A rebbe of mine
said I should read Sidhartha
because i am him

Monday, February 23, 2015


On the day we're born
more light comes into the world
through our shining souls.

My Jewish birthday
is the thirteenth of Tishrei.
This makes me happy.

Birthdays are good days
to look back and look forward,
take stock of our days.

Friend, I am grateful
for your celebrating me
on my day of birth.

of the day that I was born
I should celebrate.

Not just a number
that's a lie that people say.
Every birthday counts

Friday, February 20, 2015


We need some answers
though we'll never have them all
Life's a long question

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The forrests and trees
Each in their way await me
I'd better focus
Modeh Ani, me
The body part of me says
Thanks G-d, for the soul


Wrong girl wrong lobby
Dating is a bad hobby
Like rhyming haiku


Because of the snow
everything's off, all has changed
G-d bring back the warmth
A hair line fracture
in the family system
Another fall down.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Walking through a day
many angels pass my way
on hidden display

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Monday, February 16, 2015


The Macabeats sing
as their colleague gets married
and takes center stage 

He's overcome much
always staying positive 
always with a smile 

Now he greets his wife
standing beneath their Chuppah
sparkling with joy


Friendship is funny
and not in a ha-ha way
when it's platonic

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Because I'm stubborn
stubborn people grate on me;
they don't see I'm right.
The shade drifts down low
Reminding me that I know
The way that things go

Monday, February 9, 2015

I sigh that I sigh
wondering, why do I sigh
then I sigh, again
All seems so quiet
on the Facebook front but there's
an underbelly


And yet stress returns
and sucks me into routines
pulling me from me.

So I have to work
on taking space from my work.
Working on myself...

So I eat and sigh
alone and wondering why
Praying silently


I had forgotten
that I needed to move on
stuck in my routine

I was reminded
I wanted to move forward
and saw I was stuck

Being stuck gets old
yet is not without its charm
so there's a conflict

Once you come to see
you're not where you want to be
It's hard to stay blind

I see all the time
as time quickly wiggles by
I want to break through

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Sometimes I misspeak
Like last night to a colleague
Now I'm losing sleep
I'm free to forget
Yet I choose to remember
Sometimes there's no choice

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Follow the lights home
Ryan Adams sang in song
They will lead you home.


Adam and Chavah
used their judgement over G-d's
We've done it since then


We each have something
that the other doesn't have
We each stand alone

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

We're not placeholders
Human beings are much more
Step back, show respect

Monday, February 2, 2015


Sometimes I breathe out
and feel her anxiety,
my mother, myself

543 - 547

With a scrunched up face
he prays like he's 100
but he's 25

The pattern repeats
I say I want us to talk...
I'm afraid to talk

We pray for judges
like from once upon a time
started by Yitro

You won't send us out
empty handed from Your place
We know You listen

Rabi Akivah
entered and went out in peace
May we be so blessed