Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I shoudn't have shared
and I knew that even as
I shared my half truths

Jerusalem stone
surrounds a marble rooftop
in my presleep dream

Seldom spoken word
of acts under-understood
kindness is lonely


Just one thing fails me
Whatever that one thing is
One can't be enough

I just want to be
objectively fairminded
I want to be just

Just exactly that
absolutely, totally
just thoroughly just

Just when it seems that
you can't possibly succeed
try just one more time

Everything just is:
healthy, sick, married, alone
Thank G-d for your life

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Stay out of trouble
G-d help the world with this goal
and please help me too

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Hebrew:  korban
translated as sacrifice
means to bring nearer

When you hug me please
lean your left side to my left
so our hearts are near

Marriage maybe tests
in having someone you love
nearby all the time

True friends are nearby
even when they're far away
others, the reverse

Isaiah said G-d
repeatedly spoke of peace
tothe far and near

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014


The apartment chirps
as the man breathes in his chair
he begins to fade


Sometimes on long days
I force myself to sit down
and breathe in with faith

We all need to give
because we all need to get
So breathe in and give

Clark Kent was a fake
Superman was the real him
We are like that too


Sometimes I need food
after hours of plowing
and working the fields

Work can be non-stop
The large flocks need attention
The long days are short